Viktoria Pisarenko – Empowering through Women Energy


Located in Balti City, Viktoria Pisarenko stands as a living testament to hope and empowerment. The war in Ukraine has torn her away from her roots in Kyiv, where she worked as a beauty stylist, but in her new home, she shines with her resilience and entrepreneurial spirit.


Viktoria sees beyond the uncertainty and potential hardship of her stay in Balit; she sees untapped potential. Since she first arrived in the city, she encountered refugee women and residents alike, brimming with skill yet struggling for stability. In response, she established Women Energy—a venture that quickly transcends its status from a beauty salon to a hub for learning and personal development.

Women Energy serves as a sanctuary where Viktoria leverages her personal journey to help others overcome the obstacles of displacement. Recognizing the value of dignified work and autonomy, she dedicates herself to training women in the beauty trade, equipping them with lifelong skills.

The training Viktoria provides transcends conventional beauty techniques—it's a catalyst for empowerment. With each technique taught, she instils a sense of independence in her students. They view her not just as a mentor but as an exemplar of fortitude.

Among those inspired is Elena from Kharkiv, Ukraine, whose encounter with Women Energy and Vujtirua story steers her to a newfound purpose. "The entrepreneurial training is engaging, the lessons crystal clear. I'm eager to join Viktoria Pisarenko's classes and excel as a hairstylist," Elena says with renewed hope. "With Women Energy, my dream is gradually becoming a reality."

Viktoria Pisarenko is a beneficiary of the “Women with Vision project”, from which she has received a grant which will enable Viktoria to aid 20 refugee and local women while investing in tech resources to digitize her business. Through the project, Viktoria thereby empowers herself while creating transformative change for others. The project is implemented by the Moldova Project, supported by UN Women and financed by the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund.