UN system coordination

Photo: UNiTE in Africa/Mellatra Tamrat

When different parts of the multilateral system act together, they can deliver greater results—and maximize the use of scarce resources. Within the UN system, UN Women is mandated to lead, promote and coordinate efforts to advance the full realization of women’s rights and opportunities. The UN General Assembly has called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates, and ensure that commitments on paper lead to progress on the ground.

Towards these ends, UN Women helps strengthen effective UN action on the globalregional and national levels. We help bolster capacities to make achieving gender equality central to programmes and policies, advocate for greater resources, and guide and implement joint development programmes. We support measures upholding accountability for commitments to women, and have a key role in increasing knowledge about women’s status in the United Nations.

UN system coordination
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In the Republic of Moldova, UN Women engages with other UN entities through the UN Country Team and the Results Group established to coordinate the implementation of the UN – Republic of Moldova Partnership Framework 2013-2017 and the UN Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018-2022. UN Women is chairing the UN Gender Theme Group and is active member of other inter-agency groups: SDG/Monitoring and Evaluation Group, Joint Communications Group, Operations Management Team, and others. Together with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, UN Women is co-chairing the Coordination council of external assistance in the field of gender equality.  

Our future priorities will focus on:

  • Ensure that UN sustainable development cooperation framework is gender transformative through targeted or mainstreamed actions.
  • Chairing and coordinating the UN Gender Theme Group on integrating gender equality goals into UN work across sectors.
  • Promoting and ensuring UN accountability at the country level through UNCT SWAP Gender Equality Scorecard implementation.
  • Supporting the government in the coordination and implementation of the interventions in the field of gender equality. Ensure Sex, Age, and Disability Disaggregated Data (SADD) in analysis, project development and accountability.
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