The United Nations in the Republic of Moldova is deeply saddened by the death of Ana-Maria and stands in support of every girl and woman who is a victim of gender-based-violence. Globally, gender-based violence is one of the most pervasive human rights violations and the case of Ana-Maria underlines once more the urge to act now.
According to the second joint UN Office on Drugs and Crime and UN Women global research on gender-related killings of women and girls, the number of women and girls killed intentionally in 2022 reached nearly 89,000 - the highest yearly number recorded in 20 years. While overall homicide numbers globally have started to fall after a peak in 2021, the number of female homicides is not decreasing. Most of these killings of women and girls are gender-related, and more than half of all female homicides are committed by intimate partners or other family members.
In the Republic of Moldova, data from the NGO Women Law Center, 45 women were victims of femicide between 2022-23. These women were killed as a result of gender-based violence, or only because they were women.
The United Nations in Moldova remains committed to further support the Parliament, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, judiciary and law enforcement, as well as Civil Society Organizations in the implementation of human rights norms and standards. These are enshrined in the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 5.2 targets), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the International Convention of the Rights of the Child, and the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The Republic of Moldova acceded to these treaties, committing itself to their implementation.
The United Nations in the Republic of Moldova stands ready to work closely with the expert community in further aligning the national legislation with international standards, the Istanbul Convention and the new EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the EU Council on combating violence against women and domestic violence.
The United Nations supports the collective initiative to act now. We reiterate that together with all national state actors, civil society, National Human Rights Institutions, international organizations, educational institutions, media and the private sector, the United Nations will continue to work tirelessly to end this serious human rights violation.
Furthermore, we stand united to create an environment where every woman and girl can live free from violence, discrimination, and harmful practices leveraging the power of data to address the underlying causes of gender inequality, will contribute to reducing the incidence of gender-related killings and creating a more just and equitable world for all.
Prevention needs to be strengthened, protection mechanisms progressively enhanced, including through timely access to essential services. Victims like Ana-Maria and many survivors of gender-based violence need justice and support, while perpetrators need to be held accountable.
We remain united in challenging harmful social norms, in promoting gender equality and eliminating gender-based violence, so that every woman and girl lives a life in dignity and equality.