Statement of Dominika Stojanoska on the occasion of Denim Day


We are deeply saddened and outraged by the death of Ana-Maria Guja. We mourn her, as we mourn every girl and woman, victim of violence and abuse. This CAN and MUST be prevented, and we need to act. It is a collective responsibility and together with the Government, civil society, international organizations, media and private sector we work tirelessly to end this pandemic. We need to invest in effective violence prevention strategies. We need stronger protection mechanisms, better response, and services so that women survivors of violence receive timely all the support they need.

And more important, we need a shift in attitude to challenge harmful social norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. As we mourn and mark Denim Day, we join millions of people across the world who wear jeans with a purpose, to support survivors of sexual violence and abuse and combat yet another harmful belief, that rape and sexual violence are the fault or responsibility of victims.

Violence against women and girls is a crime and needs to be punished!

denim day