A woman’s place is... Wherever she wants!

Professions have no gender. Regardless of stereotypes and prejudices, women themselves can decide where they belong, what profession they want to do. It is up to women to decide.

131 results found

Migrația femeilor văzută prin alți ochi (I)

Date: Friday, 26 July 2019

Una dintre realitățile migrației în Moldova este că „femeile muncesc din greu peste hotare ca să poată trimite un ban acasă, să crească copiii sănătoși”. În contextul Zilei Internaționale a Migranților, UN Women lansează campania socială „Migrația femeilor merită văzută cu alți ochi”. Prin această campanie, vrem să schimbăm imaginea femeii migrante în societate și să accentuăm contribuția lor la dezvoltarea și bunăstarea țării.

Migrația femeii merită văzută cu alți ochi: „Mama mea este cea mai bună”

Date: Friday, 26 July 2019

Știați că femeile noastre transmit anual de peste hotare 700 milioane euro? Iar dintre femeile revenite acasă, peste 6000 au deschis afaceri proprii în Moldova. A vengender stereoit timpul să schimbăm imaginea femeii migrante în societate și să apreciem contribuția lor la dezvoltarea și bunăstarea țării. Campania „Migrația femeii merită văzută cu alți ochi” este organizată în cadrul programului UN Women Moldova „Promovarea și protejarea drepturilor femeilor lucrătoare migrante”, finanțat de…

Migrația femeilor merită văzută cu alți ochi

Date: Friday, 26 July 2019

Una dintre realitățile migrației în Moldova este că „femeile muncesc din greu peste hotare ca să poată trimite un ban acasă, să crească copiii sănătoși”. În contextul Zilei Internaționale a Migranților, UN Women lansează campania socială „Migrația femeilor merită văzută cu alți ochi”. Prin această campanie, vrem să schimbăm imaginea femeii migrante în societate și să accentuăm contribuția lor la dezvoltarea și bunăstarea țării.

Know your rights!

Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2019

”When you face discrimination, law is on your side” highlights the video UN Women Moldova produced with the support of the Government of Sweden. This video focuses on the real life challenges facing women in Moldova and what their rights are based on the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women.Cunoaște-ți drepturile!Acest video are la bază Convenția asupra eliminării tuturor formelor de discriminare față de femei și situațiile cu care s-au confruntat…


Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2019

6 out of 10 Moldovan women have experienced at least one form of gender-based violence from their partners. This video is part of the international campaign “16 days of activism to end violence against women” taking place every year between 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and 10 December, Human Rights Day. This video was produced by UN Women Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, The General Police…

Women’s journey towards a life free of violence

Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2019

This video animation is based the story of Positive Champions, women of Moldova who overcame gender-based violence. Many of them are now involved in helping other women break this vicious cycle. 6 out of 10 Moldovan women have experienced at least one form of violence from their partners, during their lifetime. UN Women Moldova produced this video with the support of the Government of Sweden.Acest video este bazat pe experiența de viață a Campioanelor pozitive, femeile din Moldova care au…

Varvara Duminică - "You Know You Can"

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019

In March 2018, UN Women Moldova launched the campaign “You Know You Can" to discover and promote 10 women who challenged gender stereotypes and biases in male dominated fields and made history in Moldova. The campaign aims to encourage women and girls from Moldova to assert themselves as leaders and professionals in all fields. http://unwo.men/gjqW50ukCmBÎn luna martie, UN Women a lansat campania „Tu știi că poți”, dedicată femeilor care au…

You Know You Can” - 10 stories of women who make history,In March 2018

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019

UN Women Moldova launched the campaign “You Know You Can" to discover and promote 10 women who challenged gender stereotypes and biases in male dominated fields and made history in Moldova. The campaign aims to encourage women and girls from Moldova to assert themselves as leaders and professionals in all fields.În luna martie

Svetlana Cojocaru - "You Know You Can"

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019

In March 2018, UN Women Moldova launched the campaign “You Know You Can" to discover and promote 10 women who challenged gender stereotypes and biases in male dominated fields and made history in Moldova. The campaign aims to encourage women and girls from Moldova to assert themselves as leaders and professionals in all fields.În luna martie, UN Women a lansat campania „Tu știi că poți”, dedicată femeilor care au reușit să spargă tiparele în domenii noi, tradițional dominate de bărbați…

Mariana Grama - "You Know You Can"

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019

In March 2018, UN Women Moldova launched the campaign “You Know You Can" to discover and promote 10 women who challenged gender stereotypes and biases in male dominated fields and made history in Moldova. The campaign aims to encourage women and girls from Moldova to assert themselves as leaders and professionals in all fields. http://unwo.men/gjqW50ukCmBÎn luna martie, UN Women a lansat campania „Tu știi că poți”, dedicată femeilor care au…

Mariana Esanu Cherdivara - "You Know You Can"

Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2019

In March 2018, UN Women Moldova launched the campaign “You Know You Can" to discover and promote 10 women who challenged gender stereotypes and biases in male dominated fields and made history in Moldova. The campaign aims to encourage women and girls from Moldova to assert themselves as leaders and professionals in all fields. http://unwo.men/gjqW50ukCmBÎn luna martie, UN Women a lansat campania „Tu știi că poți”, dedicată femeilor care au…


Date: Thursday, 25 April 2019

В 2016 году, в Республике Молдова, был принят закон 71, целью которого является равное представительство женщин и мужчин в процессах принятия решений. Таким образом, для того чтобы мы могли играться, учиться, создавать, работать и развивать населенные пункты и страну, мы должны принимать решения вместе. Женщины и мужчины. В равной степени. Это видео было разработано программой ООН „Женщины в политике " в партнерстве с URMA TA. Программа ООН „Женщины в политике” была реализована…

New law in Moldova pushes for equal representation of women and men in decision-making

Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2019

En: In 2016, Republic of Moldova adopted Law 71, which proposed an equal representation of women and men in decision-making processes. In order to have a developed community in Moldova, decision-making processes must be taken by both, women and men. This video was developed by the UN Programme "Women in Politics", in partnership with URMA TA. "Women in Politics" was implemented by UN Women and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with East…

Moldova takes precautionary steps to prohibit sexist advertising

Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2019

In 2016, Republic of Moldova adopted Law 71, which, for the first time, prohibited sexist language in advertising. Additionally, companies and individuals using sexist advertising are now at risk to be fined. This video was developed by the UN Programme "Women in Politics", in partnership with URMA TA. "Women in Politics" was implemented by UN Women and UNDP, in partnership with East Europe Foundation (EEF) and “Partnership for Development” Center (CPD), funded by the…

New law introduces paternity leave in Moldova

Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2019

In 2016, Republic of Moldova adopted Law 71, which, for the first time, allowed fathers of new-born children to benefit from 14 days of paternity leave, in the first 56 days of the newborn’s life, paid by the state. This video was developed by UN Programme "Women in Politics", in partnership with URMA TA. "Women in Politics" was implemented by UN Women and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with East Europe Foundation (EEF) and “Partnership…

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova

Date: Monday, 15 April 2019

For one month, UN Women showcased five exceptional women from Moldova, within the campaign “You can too”. This is a campaign about women from various backgrounds in Moldova, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, among others. Meet our protagonists who openly share their stories!

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Veronica Romanciuc’s story – teaser

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our fourth heroine - Veronica Romanciuc

Elena Bogdan, the woman that fights for the rights of Roma people

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Elena Bogdan, a community mediator from Hancesti, talks about being a woman-mediator and how she succeeded in this position. She is helping Roma children to integrate into school, motivates them and encourages them to follow their dreams. Elena Bogdan identifies as the trusting person of the Roma people involved in the local public administration, as well. Follow the story of Elena in the video above, that was created by UN Women, with the financial help of the Political Affairs Department…

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Silvia Feraru’s story – teaser

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our fifth heroine - Silvia Feraru!

“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Veronica Romanciuc’s story

Date: Monday, 8 April 2019

Veronica Romanciuc, 72 years old, is the fourth heroine of the UN Women campaign "You Can Too" in Moldova. After being forced to retire from her former job due to her age, she overcame obstacles and barriers and found another job. She now works as a private tutor for children. Ms. Romanciuc demonstrates that age should not be a burden and a barrier for women.