Gender mainstreaming checklists to inform refugee response in Moldova

Gender mainstreaming checklists to inform refugee

Effective, equitable and participatory humanitarian action cannot be achieved without understanding and responding to the specific needs, priorities and capacities of diverse women, girls, men and boys in different age groups. Integrating gender equality also reinforces a human rights-based approach to humanitarian action which improves programming by respecting and protecting the universally recognized rights and dignities of every individual as a human being. Incorporating gender equality in humanitarian action therefore enhances the impact of humanitarian strategies and interventions.

Sectoral responses that mainstream gender and age are ones that are designed well and intentionally address the needs and capacities of women, girls, men and boys of all ages, and have the best chance of being implemented in a way that assists all of these groups to improve their lives. Women, girls, boys and men have immediate practical and strategic needs particularly in humanitarian crises.

The purpose of this checklist is to provide humanitarian/refugee response actors in the Republic of Moldova with entry points/tips on how to ensure that the needs, priorities and capacities of women, girls, men and boys are considered in all aspects of humanitarian/refugee response.

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Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Catalogues/directories
UN Women office publishing: Moldova Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages