“You can too” women’s rights campaign in Moldova – Irina Poverga’s story – teaser

"You Can Too" is a campaign about women in Moldova from various backgrounds, whose rights were violated because of their gender and the specific groups they belong to, including to do with their race, age, ethnicity, ability, etc. Our protagonists openly share their stories. Meet our second heroine – Irina Poverga!

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Пример совместного бюджетирования в Кагуле

Date: Monday, 28 December 2020

Мы приглашаем вас ознакомиться с примером совместного бюджетирования в Кагуле, где несколько групп женщин представили проекты для финансирования в мэрию.Материал был разработан в рамках проекта EVA - Содействие гендерному равенству в районах Кагул и Унгень, финансируемого Европейским Союзом в Республике Молдова и реализованного Структурой «ООН-женщины» в Молдове в партнерстве с ЮНИСЕФ в Молдове.

EU Ambassadors United Against Gender-Based Violence

Date: Monday, 21 December 2020

EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and EU Member States Ambassadors come together to support the global initiative ’16 days against gender violence’. They encourage not to tolerate, to speak out and to report cases of violence, as well as to ensure the access of victims of violence to specialized services. Women's rights are human rights!#StrongerTogether #UnitedAgaintsViolence #16DaysAmbasadorul Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova și ambasadorii statelor membre UE s-au reunit…

Service providers from the Republic of Moldova continue to support women survivors of violence

Date: Monday, 21 December 2020

Every girl and woman has the right to enjoy a life without violence!Service providers for gender-based violence survivors are here to provide protection, counseling and shelter. This video was developed by UN Women Moldova within the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign, with the financial support of Sweden.#16Days #OrangeTheWorldFiecare fată și femeie are dreptul la o viață fără violență! Prestatorii și prestatoarele de servicii destinate…

Moldova unites against gender-based violence

Date: Thursday, 3 December 2020

This year, the UN Agencies, Ambassadors, representatives of Government and civil society organizations in the Republic of Moldova joined the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence with their strong messages to support survivors and to show that we are united against violence!

Республика Молдова: Вместе против гендерного насилия

Date: Thursday, 3 December 2020

В этом году агентства ООН, послы, представители и представительницы Правительства и организаций гражданского общества в Республике Молдова присоединились к 16 дням активизма против гендерного насилия, чтобы выразить свою поддержку женщинам, пережившим насилие, и показать, что вместе мы едины против насилия!

Adela Postolachi, local councilor and medical doctor from Moldova

Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2020

For 8 years, the Local Council of Terebna village, Edinet District in Moldova consisted of men politicians only. The 2019 local elections in the country made room for two women for the village local council. Adela Postolachi is one of them, she is also the first person with disabilities in that position. She continues working as a medical doctor in Terebna village, in parallel with her councilor job.To share the stories of women with disabilities who run in local elections, the barriers they…

Mariana Tihu, local activist from Moldova

Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Mariana Tihu ran for the position of the Local Council of Ceadir-Lunga, Republic of Moldova. Despite the fact that Mariana didn’t make it, she continues to be a local activist and to participate in monitoring the level of accessibility of the infrastructure in town.To share the stories of women with disabilities who run in local elections, the barriers they faced, and their achievements, UN Women Moldova in partnership with "Niste Filme" Production House, and with financial support…

Lilia Puzderi-Cainareanu, local councilor in Moldova

Date: Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Lilia Puzderi-Cainareanu is the first person with disabilities elected in the Local Council of Borogani locality, Leova District of the Republic of Moldova.To share the stories of women with disabilities who run in local elections, the barriers they faced, and their achievements, UN Women Moldova in partnership with "Niste Filme" Production House, and with financial support from Sweden – produced 3 documentaries that tell the story of 3 women candidates with disabilities who ran…

Over 4,000 vulnerable women receive food and hygiene packages in response to COVID-19

Date: Monday, 27 July 2020

UN Women offered more than 40 tons of products to the beneficiaries from the Republic of Moldova, funded from the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund. The project is supported by the Governments of Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Social media challenge encourages equal participation of men and women in household chores

Date: Monday, 27 July 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic proved once again that sharing household responsibilities and the care for the loved ones makes families stronger. In Moldova, #MenEngage social media campaign helped discover many positive examples of men being involved in home and child care activities.

De ce banii tăi contează? - Istorii inspiraționale, Republica Moldova

Date: Monday, 6 July 2020

Accesează aici pentru un scurt sondaj despre Bugetarea Sensibilă la Gen: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VFLKVNSVideo-ul prezintă povestea Ingăi Catana, absolventă de Master în finanțe publice și impozitare.Republica Moldova este prima țară din Europa de Sud-Est care a introdus cursul de bugetare sensibilă la gen ca disciplină obligatorie în curricula academică. Începând cu anul 2016, studenții și studentele a două specialități de…

Why your money counts? - The takeaway stories, Republic of Moldova

Date: Monday, 6 July 2020

Click here to take a short survey on gender-responsive budgeting: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VMFPTVHThe video features the story of Inga Catana, MA graduate in Public Finance and Taxation. Republic of Moldova is the first country in South-East Europe that introduced gender-responsive budgeting as a mandatory course in the university curriculum. Starting from 2016, students of two Master programmes within the Academy of the Economic…

UN Women Moldova: Uniți împotriva pandemiei de COVID-19

Date: Friday, 5 June 2020

Cheia prevenirii violenței în familie în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19 constă într-un sistem funcțional de protecție socială. Astfel cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene, UN Women și UNICEF Moldova au furnizat echipament de protecție echipelor multidisciplinare din cele 70 de localități ale raioanelor Cahul și Ungheni pentru a răspunde în mod coordonat, eficient și prompt la cazurile de violență care reprezintă un risc crescut în timpul pandemiei. Asistența se ridică la 155000 de euro și constă în…

In the COVID-19 response UN Women Moldova and Sweden support local businesses run by women

Date: Tuesday, 19 May 2020

With the financial support of Sweden, UN Women Moldova provided 28,000 pieces of protective equipment to social assistance staff from 36 territorial units throughout the Republic of Moldova. The coveralls and masks were purchased from three local companies run by women. This donation enabled social workers from various regions of the country to access protective equipment, and supported businesses run by women helping the national economy.

UN Women Moldova: Women in Politics

Date: Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Get involved! Run for elections! Be part of the change!Discover 5 important factors you need to know about women's participation in Moldova local elections held in 2019 and about the training programs organized with the support of UN Women and funded by Sweden.Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau | #GenerationEquality

Алина Андронаке: Видеоблоги в поддержку гендерного равенства в Республике Молдова

Date: Friday, 3 April 2020

Алина Андронаке – активистка и видеоблогер, выступающая в защиту прав женщин и в поддержку гендерного равенства в Молдове. На своем примере она показывает, как будучи женой и матерью, жить, не принимая ограничивающие правила, диктуемые обществом. Это привело ее к созданию «Влога матери феминистки», где она бросает вызов стереотипам молдавского общества, с которыми она сталкивалась во время материнства. Ее история является частью серии «25 женщин», созданной Региональным офисом Структуры «ООН…

UN Women Moldova: International Women's Day 2020

Date: Monday, 16 March 2020

International Women's Day is about equal rights and opportunities, solidarity and equity ♥ ️🎬 We invite you to enjoy a video about what International Women's Day really means for the supporters of women's rights.Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau | UN Women MoldovaDorin Galben | Alina Andronache | Andriano Marian | Tania Kebak | Alina Cebotari | Artiom Bonari

Alina Andronache: Vlogging for Gender Equality in Moldova

Date: Thursday, 6 February 2020

Alina Andronache is an activist and vlogger for women’s rights and gender equality from the Republic of Moldova. She aims to set an example that, as a wife and mother, she doesn’t have to fit into limiting conventions dictated by society. This led her to create the “Vlog of a Feminist Mother”, where she challenges Moldovan society with the stereotypes she has confronted in motherhood. Her story is part of the “25 Women” series UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia produced for…

Today’s boy is tomorrow’s man!

Date: Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Through this video, we aim to promote positive masculinity and diminish gender stereotypes that persist in our society.This spot was conceptualized within a co-creation session with the participation of men activists in the field of human rights promotion in the Republic of Moldova, including police representatives, priests, journalists, and representatives of civil society.Băiețelul de azi este bărbatul de mâine!Prin intermediul acestui material video, ne propunem să promovăm masculinitatea…

Băiețelul de azi este bărbatul de mâine!

Date: Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Prin intermediul acestui material video, ne propunem să promovăm masculinitatea pozitivă și să diminuăm stereotipurile și rolurile de gen care persistă în societatea noastră.Spotul a fost elaborat în urma unei ședințe de co-creare cu participarea bărbaților activiști din domeniul promovării drepturilor omului în Republica Moldova (jurnaliști, preoți, politiști, reprezentanți ai societății civile).