Report on Costing of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women in Moldova

Women's Law Center, UN Women Moldova

In Moldova, violence against women is widespread and systemic phenomenon. According to the research undertaken by the National Bureau of Statistics there are more than 63 percent of women and girls aged 15-65 who have experienced at least one form of violence during their lifetime.

This report attempts to provide an estimate of thecosts borne by the state and non-state actors – government, civil society, internationalorganizations as well as individuals –, underlining that the economic, social and human implications of violence against women is much larger in the long- and medium- term and that the costs add up and impact the whole society.

This report was commissioned by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in cooperation with World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in the Republic of Moldova, and delivered by the NGO Women’s Law Center, within the regional project “Promoting Gender Responsive Policies in South-East Europe, phase II”, implemented in Moldova with the support of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

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