Innovation and gender equality empowered by the European Union at Techstars Startup Weekend Chisinau


Techstars Startup Weekend Chisinau is part of the larger Techstars ecosystem, which supports entrepreneurs through mentorship, funding and networking opportunities. From 13 to 15 September 2024, over three days and precisely 54 hours, participants presented ideas, formed teams and worked intensively on developing business ideas. This edition focused on encouraging more girls and women to start technology-based businesses, especially using artificial intelligence.

Techstars Startup Weekend Chișinău face parte din ecosistemul mai larg Techstars, care sprijină antreprenorii și antreprenoarele prin mentorat, finanțare și oportunități de networking. În perioada 13-15 septembrie 2024, timp de trei zile, participanții și participantele și-au prezentat ideile, au format echipe și au lucrat intens pentru a dezvolta idei de afaceri. Această ediție s-a concentrat pe încurajarea mai multor fete și femei să inițieze afaceri bazate pe tehnologie, în special utilizând inteligența
Some of the participants of Techstars Startup Weekend Chișinău. Photo credits: Anna Galatonova

“Although Moldova's startup community has grown in recent years, with over 250 companies driving innovation in tech-related industries, we realised that only 7% of the country’s startups had been fully founded by women. So, we thought of bringing girls and boys together to start businesses,” mentioned Olga Melniciuc, Executive Director of Sartup Moldova

“Through initiatives like this, we can inspire more girls and women to take their place at the forefront of technological innovation, creating a more diverse, equitable, and forward-thinking industry. We need to balance women’s participation in the tech sector, giving them the space they need to succeed because women belong in tech,” emphasised Svetlana Andrieș, Deputy Country Representative for UN Women Moldova

Throughout the 54-hour hackathon, the participants created six mixed teams, which each included at least one female member. Three winning teams were awarded a total of $2,000 in prizes, provided by UN Women Moldova under the EU-funded “EVOLVE4GE” project.

I’m glad my idea was seen as having potential and that it will be implemented. The startup idea is to connect musicians and music enthusiasts with institutions that can provide them with available spaces,” said Ioana, a member of the “Muzconnect” team, which took first place.


echipei „Muzconnect”, care a obținut locul întâi.
“Muzconnect” team, which took first place. Photo credits: Anna Galatonova

“Ioana was the one who came up with the idea, and without her, we wouldn’t have been able to make this happen. I believe women play a vital role because they make the group more interesting and diverse,” added Ghenadie, another member of the “Muzconnect” team.

With the participants speaking Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and English and guided by 15 mentors, the weekend provided a diverse, inclusive learning environment with gender equality at its core.